River Monsters Wiki
River Monsters Wiki

Chainsaw Predator is the fourth episode of the third season of River Monsters.

Episode Description[]

Jeremy Wade heads to the Australian outback to try & catch the fearsome Freshwater Sawfish. This shadowy predator is said to be 18-feet long & attacks boats. But does the fact that it could slash Jeremy to shreds make it a killer?

Episode Summary[]

25 years ago, Jeremy Wade was in a hardware store in the Amazon when he came across a weapon more sinister than any he had seen before. It was a yard long and studded on each side with 2-inch long teeth.

This strange weapon was the snout of a sawfish: a 20-foot relative of the rays which has been known to swim hundreds of miles upriver.

Reports claim this shark-like fish hacks boats apart and saws people in half, feasting on their flesh. Wade travels to the Fitzroy River in Western Australia to find out if this critically endangered creature deserves its reputation as a river monster and why it swims so far up rivers.

After being plagued by crocodiles and sharks, (which, ironically, he had previously travelled to Australia to find, yet didn't catch one for weeks) Wade hooks into this bladed beast and reels in a 7-foot monster.

Animals Featured[]


  • The episode is dedicated in memory of wildlife expert Malcolm Douglas, who died in a car accident shortly after filming. This makes it the only episode to be dedicated to someone who wasn't involved in River Monsters.
  • The second episode to take place in Australia, the first being Hidden Predator.

