River Monsters Wiki
River Monsters Wiki

River of Blood is the third episode of the sixth season of River Monsters.

Episode Description[]

Investigating reports of a brutal riverside mutilation, Jeremy Wade heads to the wetlands, where he comes face-to-face with one of South America’s greatest freshwater fighters, which stalks Argentina’s River of Blood.

Episode Summary[]

While bathing in the Rio Paraná, a young boy was brutally mutilated by an unknown fish. The Parana is a large Amazonian tributary that extends much farther south than the main Amazon Basin. As such, it is significantly colder. Stingrays do not cause the wounds Wade is investigating, and the water is too cold for most Piranha species during the winter. However, a fisherman tells Wade of a strange predator covered with stripes that might be the culprit. Wade starts to fish, and soon he catches a Golden Dorado. The fisherman confirm that this is the fish that attacked the boy. Jeremy then travels to the Salto Grande Dam, a hydroelectric dam located on the border between Argentina and Uruguay to come face-to-face with one of South America's greatest freshwater fighting fish that slashes and stalks its prey while living in one of Argentina's most dangerous waterways.

Animals Featured[]

  • TBA

Locations Featured[]

  • TBA


  • Genital mutilation
  • Lad brutalized
  • Diver with severed toes
  • Man bit on ankle
  • Man bit on knee