The Taimen Salmon (Hucho taimen), a close relative of the European Huchen, is the largest species of Salmon on the planet. It lives it's range, which once stretched as far as China and Russia, has been decreased to a small portion of Northern Mongolia.
River Monsters[]
Mongolian Mauler[]
The Taimen was a fish Jeremy Wade knew about since he was young. He set out to finally catch it in Season 4. Hunting for such a rare fish was very tricky, but with the help of a Shaman he was able to narrow his search. He caught a relatively sizable Taimen not long before the onset of the Mongolian winter.
The Taiman is the worlds largest salmon species, growing to around 150 pounds. It is larger than the King Salmon of Alaska, another fish featured in River Monsters. It previously lived all across China, Mongolia, and Russia. Now it is endangered and only lives in some regions of Northern Mongolia where it has not been over hunted.