Top 10 Favorite River Monsters Episodes (Current)
Quite a while ago, I posted a blog on this subject. However, I didn't think through the list super thoroughly, and my opinions have (somewhat) changed since then. There aren't any episodes that I like less, but I've grown to like some others more, if that makes any sense. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the list of what are, in my opinion, the best, most exciting, and most memorable episodes in the River Monsters series.
Top 10 Favorite River Monsters Episodes
After writing 8 rants about theRiver Monsters Seasons, its time to take a look at the episodes. Keep in mind that these are ranked purely based on my own opinion, and that I am extremely biased. You're list may be completely different than mine since everyone has different personal nostalgia. I will also not be quantifying my selections in any numerical way, simply stating my opinions of how they stand out even above the other episodes of my favorite show of all time. With that aside, let's begin our list.
- 1 10 - "Volcanic Island Terror "
- 2 9 - "Legend of Loch Ness "
- 3 8 - "Ice Cold Killer "
- 4 7 - "Killer Catfish "
- 5 6 - "Killers from the Abyss "
- 6 5 - "Return of the Killer Catfish "
- 7 4 - "Demon Fish "
- 8 3 - "Man-Eating Monster "
- 9 2 - "Malaysian Lake Mons…
Season 9 Review
So we've finally reached the Final Season of River Monsters. Since this Season was released in the year 2017, there is a much higher chance that there are some episodes that you haven't watched, as opposed to Season 1 made in 2009. If you have not watched all of the episodes, I please be aware that I will include spoilers in my Review. We will be judging this season by Location, Monster Variety, Monster originality, Mystery, Culture, and of course Monster Size. Naturally some of these categories are quite subjective, so keep in mind that my ratings will not necessarily be the "right" ones.
The 2017 Season was dubbed "The Final Season", as it was made to be the last season of River Monsters. I read somewhere in the marketing that "Jeremy sa…
Season 8 Review
Here I am again, to Review the River Monsters "Mysteries of the Ocean" season. We are venturing into the territory of the episodes made much later in the series, meaning that it is now more possible that there are some that you have yet to see. As always, this review will contain spoilers, and this warning is more relevant that is would be for episode made 10 years ago that you (probably) already watched. If you haven't already read any of these reviews, we are judging the season based on Location, Monster Variety, Monster Originality, Mystery, Culture, and Monster Size. As usual, most of our ratings will be subjective, so the number I draw out will be quite arbitrary. It is just my opinion, different people could surely draw different con…
Front Page slider
Since I posted a blog about how I chose profile tags, this time, it will be about the slider. If you've paid attention, it follows a rotating pattern. SPOILERS AHEAD IN CASE YOU WANT TO FIND THE PATTERN BY YOURSELF.
Chinese Paddlefish
Goonch Catfish
Greenland Shark
Sareng Catfish
Tsuni Catfish
Wels Catfish
Bull Shark
Goliath Tiger Fish
RMS Laconia
Sixgill Shark
African Marbled Lungfish
Golden Mahseer
Humboldt Squid