Quite a while ago, I posted a blog on this subject. However, I didn't think through the list super thoroughly, and my opinions have (somewhat) changed since then. There aren't any episodes that I like less, but I've grown to like some others more, if that makes any sense. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the list of what are, in my opinion, the best, most exciting, and most memorable episodes in the River Monsters series.
10th - Pack of Teeth
Starting off we have an episode that wasn't even part of my consideration for the original list. However, it was undeniably a very exciting and unique investigation. I always love River Monsters episodes that showcase obscure fish. While the Piranha is notorious across the globe, no one has heard of the even more formidable Striped Tigerfish. The reed mazes of the Okavango Delta make a great and mysterious setting, and the episode itself fits together extremely well, with Jeremy utilizing local tips such as watching "bird swarms."
9th - Atomic Assassin
Atomic Assassin was definitely a standout episode. Of all places, Jeremy went to Chernobyl to catch a radioactive mutant catfish. With little success in the cooling pond, Jeremy traveled to a canal connecting reactor number four to the cooling pond. I remember thinking he was crazy when I first watched this episode on the thirtieth anniversary of the disaster. The fish at the end wasn't the largest, but it was one of the most significant catches of Jeremy's career. It was eventually analyzed by scientists to determine the affects of the radioactive environment. The small size was actually, in fact, a result of a mutation.
8th - Killers from the Abyss
This list would surely be incomplete without the largest investigation in the series. Jeremy tackles the Laconia Incident, which leads him on an epic journey across the Atlantic to witness many wonderful and exciting monsters. Jeremy also caught a fish weighing more than 1,000 pounds, the largest in the series by a long way. But, that didn't even conclude the episode. Jeremy went on to dive deep into the Cayman trench to see the monster shark in its own habitat. I loved this episode when it premiered, and I still love it today.
7th - Malaysian Lake Monster
For a long time, this was my favorite River Monsters episode. In fact, I've never been more hyped for anything than I was for this grand finale. This episode absolutely delivered everything I was hoping for. Jeremy traveled to the jungles of Malaysia in a quest that would bring him against the one primary suspect that had eluded him. In the end, the monsoons have started, and Jeremy feels as if he is reliving his failure in Season four. But then, a dramatic fight begins, and Jeremy finally lands the beast. While it wasn't the largest or most impressive fish in the series, it was still pretty cool. And, the episode itself is one of the standouts. In fact, I watched this so many times that I can basically rattle off the first six minutes of Jeremy's narration. I still adore this episode. The fact that its gone down a couple notches doesn't mean I like it any less. It just shows how good some of these episodes are.
6th - Killer Catfish
There are several "fan favorite" episodes in the series, and "Killer Catfish" is, for good reason, one of them. It launched River Monsters by showing viewers an incredible investigation and an incredible catch. After six long weeks of trying to land a legendary monster, Jeremy is left empty handed and convinced that he'll have to find another job soon, as he has done for many years. Almost all of his crew has left for home, and most of the producers are certain that the whole endeavor is a waste of time that will never get onto TV. Then, Jeremy is dragged into a mountain river. He swims after the fish, and it is finally captured on the opposite bank. And, this is where everyone watching said "sign me up."
5th - Silent Assassin
Here's an episode that didn't even make my original list. Over the past few weeks, I've started to realize how Silent Assassin is truly an amalgamation of almost everything that I like in River Monsters. Jeremy travels to a remote river, investigates stories relating to a bizarre beast, surmounts obstacles from spikey Catfish to annoying Piranhas, and then, gets outgunned by the fish he came to catch. I know that probably sounded silly when I worded it like that, but this episode was epic. The part where Jeremy struggles for almost four hours straight to bring in a leviathan stingray is among my top three favorite catch sequences in the entire series. And, the fish at the end was one of the most spectacular in the series, up there with the Goonch Catfish and Goliath Tigerfish.
4th - Return of the Killer Catfish
When I finished watching this episode, I thought it was the biggest letdown of the series. Many other people felt, and still feel, the same way. This seemed to "undermine" "Killer Catfish," which is arguably the fan favorite out of all of the episodes. However, I've watched this over again countless times, and I've really come to appreciate it a lot more. Yes, there was no fish at the end. However, the journey was what makes this episode so spectacular. The mountain rivers of Nepal have to be my favorite setting in the entire series. There are so many scenes that I could gush about, but my absolute favorite was that part toward the end where Jeremy compares himself to who he was in Season 1. That is, in fact, my favorite scene in the entire series, apart from several catch sequences. This really was a beautiful episode.
Plus, the encounter with the Gharial almost made up for the fact that we didn't get a fish.
3rd - Deep Sea Demon
I know this episode ranked as my top pick last time, but don't mistake the drop to mean I like it any less. Jeremy started off with one of the most impossible missions in the series, trying to solve the legend of the "sea serpent." His chance only seemed slimmer once the primary suspect became the Oarfish. However, deep in the Mediterranean, enduring a highly technical dive in the middle of the night, Jeremy came face to face with what was basically two aliens. There were so many great encounters in this series, but this one is definitely a contender for my top pick.
2nd - Demon Fish
This is one of the most popular episodes in the series for good reason. The Goliath Tigerfish at the end of the episode easily ranks as one of the most breathtaking monsters in the series. Its incredible that such a beast is so unknown to the outside world. I could gush about it for several more paragraphs, but I'll just let that picture do the talking.
The quest to catch the fish was also unforgettable. My favorite scene other than the capture of the Goliath Tigerfish was the sequence with the rapids. That was super dramatic and super awe-inspiring. And, the bittersweet end of the episode was also great "food for thought."
1st - Man Eating Monster
Honestly, what is River Monsters all about? River Monsters is about adventures into mysterious, remote, and beautiful corners of the planet in search of beasts unknown to most of the world. The most iconic episodes are the likes of "Lair of Giants," "Killer Catfish," and "Demon Fish." I like all those episodes, but Man-Eating monster is the epitome of that vibe. Plus, the fish at the end was truly breathtaking. For years Jeremy bragged of his Piraiba from "Amazon Flesh Eaters." However, the one in Man-Eating Monster made that "large" individual look like a runt.
Not only was the fish at the end an easy 10/10 for me, the journey was too. River Monsters has always been partially about overcoming obstacles, and Jeremy had a lot of those in this episode. Probably the best moment other than the fish was Jeremy seeing the rainbow after the long storm and feeling hope. That, just after the reflection in Return of the Killer Catfish, is my favorite non-catch sequence scene in the entire series.